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“Humans have the ability to imagine, which means no matter how ugly your world has become, you can create a new one to escape to.
If that’s not magic I don’t know what is.”Erin van Vuren
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Western thinking is obviously heavily influenced by Christian influences. The situation is that Christianity rejects fantasy. This view is the foundation of our current dominant Western vision on fantasy. Namely that it is a ‘flight from reality’. When we look at the Ancient Greeks or particular other cultures we can see a different opinion: they value fantasy (more).
Only since the last 150 years dreams and fantasy are being taken more serious in the West. This is because since that time psychoanalysts and psychologists have become interested in these phenomena. Amongst who Jung. In their studies they discovered that there are deep psychological truths hidden in the fantasy and dreams. They discovered that it is a symbolical language. But because we have ignored fantasy and dreams for thousands of years, we have become blind for this. On top of that: most people do not know that the imaginal language is metaphorical, not literal. The symbols represent a meaning. The imaginal language must be translated to words before we can understand our fantasies and dreams. How? This is something you can actually only discover by experiencing it in a session.
Western thinking is obviously heavily influenced by Christian influences. The situation is that Christianity rejects fantasy. This view is the foundation of our current dominant Western vision on fantasy. Namely that it is a ‘flight from reality’. When we look at the Ancient Greeks or particular other cultures we can see a different opinion: they value fantasy (more).
Only since the last 150 years dreams and fantasy are being taken more serious in the West. This is because since that time psychoanalysts and psychologists have become interested in these phenomena. Amongst who Jung. In their studies they discovered that there are deep psychological truths hidden in the fantasy and dreams. They discovered that it is a symbolical language. But because we have ignored fantasy and dreams for thousands of years, we have become blind for this. On top of that: most people do not know that the imaginal language is metaphorical, not literal. The symbols represent a meaning. The imaginal language must be translated to words before we can understand our fantasies and dreams. How? This is something you can actually only discover by experiencing it in a session. The theory, however, you can read in the thesis.
“Tell me one last thing,” said Harry. “Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?”
Dumbledore beamed at him, and his voice sounded loud and strong in Harry’s ears even though the bright mist was descending again, obscuring his figure.
“Of course this is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?”
From Harry Potter and the deadly hallows, by J.K. Rowling