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Searching more self-insight?

Curious about yourself?

My name is Anouk Beijleveld and I am a Jungian psychologist.
Jungian psychology and coaching are based on the ideas of psychiatrist C.G. Jung. It is a science that concerns itself with the working of what is unconscious in humans.
I can help you by creating consciousness, a new perspective on old problems and thorough changes via:
– Depth analysis, interpretation and processing of recurring patterns and problems in your life.
– Depth analysis of dreams, imagination and creativity.
I work via Socratic questioning. Questions that help you find your own truths in your own time. Because every human is unique.
How does it work? That’s what you read if you scroll down.
Therapy comes from the word therapeuein. This means ‘attend to’. I offer psychotherapy and coaching. Whatever your motivation may be to attend to your psyche and mental wellbeing: I help you gladly.
Want to know more?
How can I help you?
Creating consciousness and change
Consciousness and change is acquired via an inner quest. The journey inside is one you have to make yourself. It is your responsibility and choice. It is a journey of finding and facing what is unconscious in you. Does something draw your attention, is something nagging you or are you running into the same issues time and again? Then you are probably dealing with something that is influencing your life unconsciously.
I can guide you and help you
You don’t have to make the journey alone. In my work with the armed forces I have experienced the value of having a buddy; someone who stands by you. Someone who supports you, in good ánd bad times.
Besides, I have done my home work. Guiding someone means that I help you based on my knowledge and experience. But most of all, of course, from human to human. During the journey we search for the roots of your problems and solve them from here.
We do this amongst others by translating the symbolical language of your unconscious – dreams, imagination and creativity – to the language our mind understands: words. You’d be surprised to find what valuable insights hide here! Besides this, I help you become aware of the unconscious patterns in your life. Because: how can you fix something you are unconscious of? Everyone has a blind spot. I’d be happy to help you change non-helping patterns that are hiding here.
Consciousness creates a choice and that makes it the key to change.
“What a sad era when it is
easier to smash an
atom than a
Albert Einstein
‘Floaty’ and ‘spiritual’ have become synonyms in the West. Floatiness is not my cup of tea. Spirituality is. When the West renounced Christianity, she simultaneously banished spirituality. Ever since we are tormented by psychological problems. More and more Western people discover that religion and spirituality are not the same and that spirituality is an essential part of your life experience. Spirituality in this sense means nothing else than acknowledging that every human is unique and has their own inner experience. Pushing this inner experience away leads to self-alienation; connecting with it to self-realization. Soulfulness. “Doing things that give you energy”, is what we then say. In other words: discovering what is meaningful and purposeful to you.
Jungian psychology is a science that unites Western consciousness with Eastern spiritual wisdom to guide people to consciousness and new perspectives.
Prepare yourself for ideas that may require some getting used to. Do you want to try to research them curiously first, like a real scientist, and draw your conclusions after that?
“What a sad era when it is
easier to smash an
atom than a
Albert Einstein
‘Floaty’ and ‘spiritual’ have become synonyms in the West. Floatiness is not my cup of tea. Spirituality is. When the West renounced Christianity, she simultaneously banished spirituality. Ever since we are tormented by psychological problems. More and more Western people discover that religion and spirituality are not the same and that spirituality is an essential part of your life experience. Spirituality in this sense means nothing else than acknowledging that every human is unique and has their own inner experience. Pushing this inner experience away leads to self-alienation; connecting with it to self-realization. Soulfulness. “Doing things that give you energy”, is what we then say. In other words: discovering what is meaningful and purposeful to you.
Jungian, archetypal psychology is a science that unites Western consciousness with Eastern spiritual wisdom to guide people to consciousness and soulfulness.
Prepare yourself for ideas that may require some getting used to. Do you want to try to research them curiously first, like a real scientist, and draw your conclusions after that?
personality issues
posttraumatic stress issues
relationship issues
mood issues, such depression or dysthymia
psychology & coaching
social anxiety
general anxiety
identity issues
aging issues
numbing, flattening
overstraining, burn out, adaptivity issues
preverbal / early childhood issues
pre- and perinatal issues
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